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Übersetzungen für affluent society im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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affluent society SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

They celebrated freedom, tolerance and self-expression; they revelled in the consumer comforts of the affluent society, convinced that the boom would never end.
Under the guise of eschewing hypocrisy, they actively pursue the materialistic values of the affluent society -- without any twinge of conscience to suggest there might be something more.
Loneliness, or social isolation, is the new modern scourge of our so-called affluent society.
Is this an inevitable consequence of our affluent society?
These are the reasons the original affluent society is that of the hunter-gatherer.
That tells us something about how affluent society remains, relative to the real hardship endured by earlier generations.
In an affluent society, people look for different ways to fulfill their lives.
Sin or not, it's an unattractive feature of affluent society.
An increasingly affluent society will replace these unconventional vehicles with passenger cars and other, pricier vehicles, he predicts.
Why do we need to let it fall victim in peacetime, when we're an affluent society?

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