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Übersetzungen für apron im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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apron [ˈeıprən] SUBST

apron string SUBST

1. apron string:

apron string

2. apron string [常作复数]:

apron string
apron string

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The windows are ornamented by dropped keystones and aprons.
Oral histories indicate that the women of the church delivered brick to the site by carrying bricks in their aprons.
She climbed to the apron to stay away from him.
To enter the station, you walked up onto the apron of the pool, and along a curved canopied walkway to the large glass doors.
The airport utilises a single large apron for all passenger aircraft.
However, where they can be recognized, these extensive aprons allow a generalized regional stratigraphic sequence to be determined.
Only one partner can appear on the apron at one time, but the player can change outside partners via a button command.
In 2009, construction work commenced to expand the apron.
The girls dressed a shawl, an apron, a skirt, a handkerchief and glossy high-heeled slippers.
The passenger terminal was concluded in 1964, and in 1967 concrete aprons were built for both military and civilian aircraft.

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