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Übersetzungen für articles im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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article [ˈɑːtıkl] SUBST

4. article LING:

Beispielsätze für articles

articles of clothing
contribute (articles) to a magazine

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Those attending wore dazzle-patterned black and white clothing, influencing twentieth-century fashion and art via postcards (see illustration) and magazine articles.
The website lists over 11,000 bookable restaurants online, in addition to restaurant news, reviews and articles.
His highly original, pithy, and path-breaking books, monographs, and articles flowed forth with seeming effortlessness.
He was best known as a composer of choral music and church music, and wrote songbooks and musicological articles on the genre.
By 1951, more than 100 articles on LSD had appeared in medical journals, and by 1961, the number had increased to more than 1000 articles.
Many of the biographical articles are sourced to the biographical reference books noted in 3.3 above.
The audio-visual equipment allows reporters to both write about and film stories as they happen, and the articles can be published on-line within seconds.
During his life he published only a handful of law journal articles.
The editors settled upon the idea of showcasing representative articles and spotlighting the editors, choosing this concise, best of format to catch the high points.
It publishes articles including experimental and descriptive research on issues in the field of personality and related fields.

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