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Übersetzungen für awhile im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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awhile [əˈʰwaıl] ADV


Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

When the meeting was concluded, the two men remained behind and conversed awhile.
As one reads his words, dressed in their wonderful finery of irony, the world he speaks of reblossoms to be back again awhile.
It took awhile to craft it into a proper studio recording that you were gon na be proud enough to release.
The use of gold nanowires with the stem cell heart patches is still a relatively new concept and it will probably be awhile before they will be used in humans.
It used to be a small village awhile back, which was declared a panchayati around 15 years ago.
Granted, it was awhile ago, but there are consequences for being violent in prison.
The rest of the story took me awhile, but the beginning and the end just flew into my head.
Holly's character was developed by the writers awhile before the episode was scripted.
I think we needed to have focused on core characters awhile back.
They have to wait awhile as patrol guards are in the water; they must wait until nighttime to travel.

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