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Übersetzungen für axis im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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axis <axes [ˈæksiːz] > [ˈæksıs] SUBST

axis of evil SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Each of these ranges is oriented along a northwest-southeast axis.
The sun performs a dance, rotates around its axis, changing its colours.
Note that any physical object having infinite rotational symmetry will also have the symmetry of mirror planes through the axis.
A swing bridge, its main 249 ft-span could swivel on its axis and open to allow river traffic to pass.
However, unlike objects produced by a real lathe, the object can have an axis of rotation through a hole (e.g. a torus).
So the rotor possesses three degrees of rotational freedom and its axis possesses two.
The pressure rise is indicated on the vertical axis as a ratio between inlet and exit stagnation pressures.
The top spins around its own axis of symmetry; this corresponds to its intrinsic rotation.
Air rises and rotates around a vertical axis, usually in the same direction as low-pressure systems in both northern and southern hemisphere.
There will be differences in the nature of the operational as it pertains to degrees along the end-user computing axis.

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