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Übersetzungen für background music im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Battles all take place in the world tournament ring (with the same background music each time), and last a single round.
The second movement's plaintive mood makes it popular as background music for pensive or nocturnal scenes in film.
Music that is played at a low volume and is not the main focus of an audience is also referred to as background music.
Animation allows users to choose background music and view pictures in sequence to make it look like they are moving.
The girls do not perform much music at all: only three numbers, all of which are used as background music.
The main background music involves distorted electric guitar and turntable scratching.
They include background music, insert themes as well as some opening and ending themes.
Another is the use of music, in conjunction with dialogues and editing, both as background music and as performed on camera.
Most of the songs featured in the film either have characters singing along to them or serve as background music.
Rather than use background music, typical wildlife noises are played, with simple harp-like tones played in response to numbers entered.

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