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Übersetzungen für backlog im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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backlog [ˈbæklɒg] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Consequently, this created a gigantic backlog, which temporarily did considerable damage to the standing of the institution.
The report said that meeting the backlog in housing, besides replacement of out-lived housing units, is beyond the financial resources of the government.
Prosecutions had to be fought on a case-by-case basis and a backlog of prosecutions built up.
The judiciary has created several temporary specialized courts in an attempt to reduce the large backlog of cases pending final court action.
Retrospective registration may be necessary where there is a backlog of children whose births have gone unregistered.
Passing time on the road, he had amassed a backlog of songs and had begun to record demos.
Currently the program has a severe backlog, with a potential wait time of 12 years.
This can lead to a team playing numerous games in hand during the preceding days and weeks to clear the backlog of games in hand.
Because of this, they argue that arbitrarily low visa quotas and massive backlogs in the system plague the employment- based visa process.
With no backlog and only enough cash to sustain operations for six months, they hoped the business venture would prove successful.

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