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Übersetzungen für ballerina im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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ballerina [ˌbæləˈriːnə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

After she wakes, they help her into her ballerina dress.
The ballerina dances usually consist of the male hopping from foot and bobbing their heads from side to side.
Such dances are most commonly created for a pair of ballerinas but are occasionally made on (two or more) "danseurs".
The 12 vinyl's artwork was also different and featured a close up view of a ballerina sitting and holding a teddy bear on the ground.
She thought of being a writer growing up but also remembers being fascinated by a photograph of a ballerina in mid-air.
One lone ballerina performed an interpretive dance during the entire duration of the freestyle.
She wants to become a ballerina like her big sister when she grows up.
No one could remember her as a famous ballerina.
She is a trained ballerina and started training around seven years old.
The term ballerina is rarely used and is reserved to denote a well-trained and highly accomplished female classical ballet dancer.

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