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Übersetzungen für berate im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

berate [bıˈreıt] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für berate

berate sb for (doing) sth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He answers the phone, and he is berated by his manager for sleeping with underage groupies, and he mumbles that he needs a doctor.
The lyrics lament the girl's feelings at being caught in the middle of the divorce and berates the insensitive parents for not noticing her feelings.
Berg, who held liberal social and political views became notorious for upsetting some callers to the point they began sputtering, whereupon he would berate them.
The vehemence with which they can berate councillors or bureaucrats may actually sap credibility from their cause and alienate ordinary citizens, experts say.
In the fourth canto the young boy wins a wrestling match but is severely berated by his father.
But it would churlish of me to try to berate the performance.
Other times she berates them, but somehow this comes across as an act of affection.
He knows better than to condescend to his audience in his art, or to berate it, or to subject it to bland cliches.
Both reviewers berated the way an opponent can attack during the long periods it takes to perform more complex actions.
The woman berates her son, then turns on the television, refusing to speak to him.

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