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Übersetzungen für bewildering im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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bewilder [bıˈwıldə] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

But this breakthrough, which has accelerated at a bewildering pace ever since, did not occur out of the blue.
It is believed that she built the massive, bewildering house to confuse these spirits.
This created a bewildering scene of groups rapidly spawning, merging, and splintering, often trying to outdo each other in radicalism to attract recruits.
He exploits traditional and modern techniques of bewildering variety -- even making his own inks from caramelized seaweed.
This often sent them into a bewildering forest.
His tendency to reiterate melodies in different voices, including the bass voice, leads to tonal creations which are sometimes bewildering.
The tax code was bewildering in its complicated system of direct and indirect taxes, some paid in cash and some in kind.
Furthermore, the showing of brutal scenes was feared to have a bewildering effect on the audience.
It was made up of several detached districts, between which portions of other states were interposed, and which were themselves intermingled in bewildering intricacy.
He adds the caveats that it does play hopscotch with history, has a bewildering and confusing cast of characters and is jumpy in its timeframes.

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