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Übersetzungen für biology im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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biology [baıˈɒlədʒı] SUBST

▶ biologist SUBST

Beispielsätze für biology

the rudiments of biology

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Topology is also used in evolutionary biology to represent the relationship between phenotype and genotype.
The soil forming process (pedogenesis) can begin without the aid of biology but is significantly quickened in the presence of biologic reactions.
The same can not, however, be said of the flagellum, the only known example of a freely rotating propulsive system in biology.
The journal covers the development, application, and evaluation of methods and probes that can be used in the entire area of histochemistry and cell biology.
Its emphasis is on developing food drinking biology, medicine, light industry, manufacturing, and other high technology ventures.
He is credited for many unusual inventions which incorporate quantum mechanics, biology, and physics simultaneously.
Other programs, such as the computer and biomedical engineering and engineering management fields include courses from other departments (computer science, biology, and business, respectively).
They are the most recently discovered family of chalcidoids (though, ironically, they may be the most ancient lineage), and nothing is known about their biology.
He has taught mathematics and biology and has been principal of a laboratory school for gifted youth.
This is a very important mechanism in biology where fluids inside a blood vessel need to be regulated and controlled.

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