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Übersetzungen für biotechnology im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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biotechnology [ˈbaıəʊtekˈnɒlədʒı] SUBST

biotechnology → biotech

Siehe auch: biotech

biotech [ˈbaıəʊˌtek] SUBST, biotechnology o. BT

biotech [ˈbaıəʊˌtek] SUBST, biotechnology o. BT

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In contrast to the range of applications of archaean enzymes, the use of the organisms themselves in biotechnology is less developed.
It is notably sponsored by agricultural biotechnology companies.
The visit was an effort to create partnerships focusing on faculty and student exchanges in veterinary medicine, plant, biotechnology, and distance education.
It is considered to have pioneered the field of industrial biotechnology, as distinct from traditional applications of biotechnology to health care and agriculture.
For thousands of years, humankind has used biotechnology in agriculture, food production, and medicine.
Popularly referred to as genetic engineering, it came to be defined as the basis of new biotechnology.
Currently, research on improving ethanol yields from each unit of corn is underway using biotechnology.
That influential conference did evaluate the potential hazards and set guidelines for biotechnology research.
This is in part due to rising demand in the biotechnology sector and the increasing interest in biological research.
The measure is careful to define transgenic-organisms as dependent on biotechnology as opposed to traditional methods of selective breeding.

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