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Übersetzungen für blind alley im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Alleys may be paved, or unpaved, and a blind alley is a cul-de-sac.
Certainly, in purely evolutionary terms, atheism is a blind alley.
Entering a blind alley is a terminal error that results in the termination of the trial.
A wrong strategic move (we have seen plenty of them over the years) can send a business into a blind alley.
In the end, that's a blind alley -- we have to get back to being able to think on our feet and react.
Some modifications during the actual writing process are inevitable, but there's never a sense of going out on a limb, or down a blind alley.
Then he charted the errors they made: demonstrable mistakes, like walking down an obvious blind alley instead of through a tunnel.
No matter which way our brain may twist and turn, our thought processes always end up in a blind alley.
Everyone seemed to be running into a blind alley.
The nature/nurture debate surely turns out to be something of a blind alley?

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