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Übersetzungen für bowels im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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bowel [ˈbaʊəl] SUBST [常作复数]

Beispielsätze für bowels

have loose bowels
the bowels of the earth

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There are also veins of various kinds of metals ramifying in the bowels of the earth, which, from the same idle habits, are not worked and turned to account.
It means that she doesn't have any physical problem with her bowels and is not constipated and can learn to poo in all toilets.
His condition did not respond to therapeutic treatments as he lost control of his bowels and was unable to keep down solid food, living on scalded milk and brandy.
They are useful in griping of bowels, flatulence, colic, diabetes, diarrhea and dysentery.
Despite the bowel rupture, many infants born after meconium peritonitis "in utero" have normal bowels and have no further issues.
The bowels are previously emptied with a suppository, and a digital rectal examination is first performed.
Gone are the nights spent in the bowels of the university library looking through card catalogues and the social science index for books and articles.
They go down into the bowels of the mine to find him.
He proposed the operation of gastrostomy in cases of intussusception of the bowels, and introduced some improvements in surgical instruments.
In the bowels of the castle, he finds a bedraggled but cultured and intelligent man in a cell.

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