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Übersetzungen für bracing im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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bracing [ˈbreısıŋ] ADJ

I . brace [breıs] SUBST

3. brace [常作复数]:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Physical therapy and orthopedic bracing can help young children with gross motor development.
Since officers may need to quickly move about the ship, sailors would get out of the officer's way by bracing.
Some types of exterior sheathing, such as asphalt-impregnated fibreboard, plywood, oriented strand board and waferboard, will provide adequate bracing to resist lateral loads and keep the wall square.
The ceiling had a pasteboard sub-lining for bracing so this then became the actual lining.
Compared to its tacky siblings, real umbrage can be a dignified and bracing thing -- both in nonfiction and fiction.
This guitar had a slightly longer scale length than a standard guitar, slotted tuners, ladder bracing, and a trapeze-style tailpiece to resist bridge lifting.
The tradeoff is reduced soundbox volume, and often a change in bracing, which can change the resonant qualities and hence the tone of the instrument.
It no doubt will stir controversy, especially in a frothy summer entertainment, but there's something bracing about the film's saucy political incorrectness.
Conversely, stronger construction, such as thicker tops and heavier bracing, stifles the sound.
Rich in detail, at times fascinating and harrowing, the story offers a many-sided look at love and eros -- and bracing doses of reality.

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