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Übersetzungen für breathalyser im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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breathalyzer, breathalyser [ˈbre­θəlaızə] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Recent developments include a simple breathalyser which changes colour according to the compounds in the breath, indicating the presence of cancer.
However, too much time had elapsed to carry out a breathalyser test on him.
The driver subsequently failed a breathalyser test.
Each driver was required to make two, inch-perfect halts at special competition stops before passing a breathalyser and then completing arduous written tests.
Police tracked her down to her address and administered a breathalyser which she failed.
He, however, administered breathalyser tests to the three drivers.
One sensor analyses a driver's breath - without using a breathalyser.
He said a breathalyser test taken at the scene showed the accused had no alcohol in his system.
Research shows the breathalyser is 85 percent accurate at identifying stomach and oesophageal cancers, which between them affect 16,000 men and women a year.
One series of such cases involved breathalyser test software that defence lawyers in drink-driving cases wished to inspect for errors.

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