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Übersetzungen für breeze block im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Construction is usually breeze block, plastered and painted white both internally and externally.
From afar the design appears to have been carved from the underlying chalk; however, the modern figure is actually formed from white-painted breeze blocks.
During the 1952 refit, the majority of the internal walls were stripped out with new breeze block partition walls forming a number of small offices around the central ring structure.
They looked weak in defence, lightweight in midfield and had all the creative spark of a breeze block.
The sorrowful, intelligent animals endured a squalid life in a cold breeze block outbuilding as well as an appalling diet before they were eventually rescued.
I ended up with what was essentially a breeze block with one corner sliced off it.
This is not to be scoffed at, unless you want a war-hammer the size of a small breeze block hurled at your face.
A breeze block screen wall can be a beautiful thing -- the pattern of each individual block adding to a greater whole, and a larger pattern, when they're used en masse.
And it has pulled down a breeze block wall.
We braked sharply outside a low breeze block building.

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