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Übersetzungen für brown sugar im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

It is made from flour, brown sugar, butter, eggs, baking powder, and vanilla, and may also contain walnuts or pecans.
Any minerals present in brown sugar come from the molasses added to the white sugar.
Additional sugar is recovered by blending the remaining syrup with the washings from affination and again crystallizing to produce brown sugar.
There are many regional variations to this classic dish, for instance some recipes substitute cider for vinegar, and brown sugar for sugar.
Most laobing are plain, although some have scallions or brown sugar inside the pastry.
A drink made with sliced ginger cooked in water with brown sugar or a cola is used as a folk medicine for the common cold.
The mill produced brown sugar which was taken elsewhere for further refining.
Many commercial fishermen sell them smoked after being processed (marinated) in a brine made of spices, salt, brown sugar, and other secret ingredients.
Other ingredients can sometimes be used; like "siling labuyo" (bird's eye chili), jalapeo pepper, red bell pepper, olive oil, onions, brown sugar, potatoes, or pineapple.
The company uses a slow curing process using salt, brown sugar, and sodium nitrite.

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