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Übersetzungen für bumpkin im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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bumpkin [ˈbʌmpkın] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I often wondered what any bystander on shore thought, seeing this country bumpkin tip his cap toward a tired old fishing shack.
I wore them twice, the second time round feeling like a sloppy country bumpkin.
Attractions include hiccupping country bumpkins, a sense of permanent grey autumn and the vengeful ghost of a woman prosecuted for witchcraft in the 18th century.
Does she really need to revive the accusation of bunyip aristocracy, the confected tryhard respectability of the bumpkin desperado?
The plots, language and content of the stories help the reader to look beneath the veneer and to understand the farmers as scheming, greedy, superstitious, provincial country bumpkins.
They say these workers are ignorant villagers, country bumpkins.
Depicted as a country bumpkin that loves to eat, he is kind and gentle and has no alternate sinister (petwo) form.
He was a somewhat stereotypical depiction of an ignorant country bumpkin, but often his ignorance was more navet than stupidity.
He became active in calypso in the mid-1930s, and was considered a country bumpkin by his contemporaries, because of his humble beginning.
Goldsmith's play reintroduces the country bumpkin character who outwits the sophisticated would-be rakes who are engaged in a plot to marry well.

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