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Übersetzungen für button-down im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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button-down shirt SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Here's what you need for this costume: a blue button-down shirt and a red bandana.
Toms dress in men's clothing - slacks, sandals, and a loose fitting button-down shirt.
Fifty years old, he dressed like a graduate student, in jeans, unironed button-down shirt, and tattered jacket.
During sporting events, they always wear a white button-down shirt and white pants.
In each robbery, the robber wore various button-down, collared, long-sleeved shirts, leading investigators to dub the suspect the button-down bandit.
He's wearing his white fedora, his matching button-down shirt and his orgullo - pride.
Dressed in a wrinkled, long-sleeved button-down shirt, he is baby-faced, and at 18 years old, just barely a man.
She wore a neon orange button-down shirt, grey workout leggings and athletic shoes.
He wears the typical male uniform of the state, blue jeans and an earth-toned button-down cotton sports shirt, a grey moustache to match a head of grey hair.
I always travel in a button-down shirt with a pocket.

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