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Übersetzungen für cadency im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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cadence [ˈkeıdəns], cadency [ˈkeı­dənsı] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Differences, or marks of cadency, are the distinctions used to indicate the junior branches (cadets) of a family.
It is unlike any other cadency system.
This is equivalent to cadency and adding brisures as methods to change the coat of arms.
This is called cadency, and is equally applicable to the arms of non-royal families, but is not as enforced.
Children of knights, even when not knights themselves, are permitted to display their arms alongside their parents' with appropriate marks of cadency.
These cadency marks are usually shown smaller than normal charges, but it still does not follow that a shield containing such a charge belongs to a cadet branch.
Labels are the principal cadency marks used in certain royal families.
This view of cadency is universally found in ancient sources.
The "ermine spot" (so specified), however, may also be used singly as a mobile charge, or as a mark of cadency signifying the absence of a blood relationship.
They are subject to a system of cadency to distinguish between sons of the original holder of the coat of arms.

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