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Übersetzungen für can opener im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

(Springe zu Chinesisch » Englisch)

can opener SUBST Am

can opener → tin opener

Siehe auch: tin opener

tin opener, can opener Am SUBST

tin opener, can opener Am SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Include a flashlight, can opener and duct tape.
If that's the case, they are given canned meat and a can opener, meals that are ready to eat, and protein bars.
Fortunately, he finds a cupboard full of canned tuna and cat food, but discovers that he also needs a can opener.
The progressive improvement in canning stimulated the 1855 invention of the can opener.
Suggestions for items to include in the crypt included items varying from a pair of garters to a can opener to a dry martini complete with olive.
Everyone's talking real estate, yet no one's discussing can opener clouds.
Within the unit were biscuits, a confection, beverage powder, sugar, gum, and a can opener.
It's an opaque scheme and if there was a genuinely independent look at this scheme it would open it up like a can opener.
This easy to use design has become one of the most popular can opener models.
The line includes a can opener ($24.99) that requires 50 per cent less effort than conventional ones and the cutting edge doesn't contact the food.

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