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Übersetzungen für cassette recorder im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As kids, one of our most enjoyable bits of gadget fun was recording jokes, songs and stories on a cassette recorder.
I had a little cassette recorder with me, and on the tape you can hear me making my bid for home.
The same song played by the same person starting them on a cassette recorder.
Fortunately, the band found a kid had been bootlegging that night's concert with a new invention: the cassette recorder.
Armed with only a 4-track cassette recorder, sequencer and a few keyboards, he wrote songs, recorded with his bands, and learned the very basics of music production.
You mean you just hold the cassette recorder up the mouthpiece and switch in a series of beeps you've recorded?
They liked what they had played and noticed a kid with a cassette recorder making a bootleg copy and asked him for the tape.
As a teenager, he was known to make movies on the family's handheld video camera, and soon started experimenting with a 4-track cassette recorder.
They use a micro cassette recorder to leave messages for each other.
On playback, the cassette recorder pulse was used to control the projector speed.

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