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Übersetzungen für cavy im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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cavy [ˈkeıvı] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

We're talking camels and cavies.
An ideal show tortoiseshell cavy has regular, well-defined patches of each colour on each side, and appears to have lengthwise seams on its back and belly.
Be sure to keep an eye out at dusk for the cute, cavy-like rodents called jutia that live there.
They are carnivorous, feeding on small mammals, such as cavies, ground-dwelling birds, small lizards, and snakes.
The fair today features carnival rides, games and concert events in addition to the more traditional attractions, such as exhibitions of livestock, rabbits and cavies, crafts, horses and produce.
Instead, it was comparable to, but somewhat more specialized for digging than animals that both run and burrow today, like aardwolves, cavies, hyenas, and rabbits.
A large variety of animals and livestock will be on display during the day including poultry and waterfowl, cavies and alpacas.
Hairless cavies in general need warmer accommodation and more energy-rich food to compensate for the loss of body heat.
The most commonly recorded prey includes cavies, tuco-tucos, rabbits, mice and pramo rats.
For short-coated cavies, most colours constitute breed variations bred and shown separately from other colours.

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