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Übersetzungen für circuitry im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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circuitry [ˈsɜːkıtrı] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Below the 20% limit, the lamp may remain at 20% or flicker or the starter circuitry may stop and restart.
There are two pathways involving basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuitry, both of which originate in the neostriatum.
There is special circuitry to turn off the electron beam if the vector generator stops or fails.
This happens through the impairment of neurobiological development, impairing the brain circuitry involved in addiction, motivation and incentive.
The outer surface of the drum was lined with electrical contacts leading to circuitry contained within.
Though manufacturers may claim that keyboards are foldable, they can not be folded without damaging the membrane that holds the circuitry.
A low-pass filter to cut ultrasonic energy is useful to prevent interference from radio frequencies, lighting control, or digital circuitry creeping into the power amplifiers.
From the 1970s, the popularity of modern digital circuitry rapidly grew.
There are only a few small local circuitry neurons.
The purpose is to make the load circuitry that is power factor corrected appear purely resistive (apparent power equal to real power).

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