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Übersetzungen für citizens im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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citizen [ˈsıtızən] SUBST

1. citizen:

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He claimed that it was important to elect somebody of wealth, so that he could entertain visitors and citizens beyond what the honorarium provided for.
Citizens are urged to exercise safety and caution when returning to property by wearing items such as long pants, a long-sleeved shirt and rubber boots.
He is widely hated by the citizens of the town for his attempt to industrialise it.
She regretted trying to end her life and decided to challenge the decision and go to the Citizens Advice Bureau.
Thus, the same public policy (and public administration) was to apply to all citizens, inclusive of disability.
As governor, he held majlis (open-house meeting with regular citizens) twice a day.
Sometimes, mixed constitutions evolved with a democratic element, but it definitely did not mean self-rule by citizens.
These early years of the event led to a citizens initiative to provide free board and lodging for participators which is still active.
In the context of international agreements, a state must provide equal treatment to those citizens of other states that are participating in the agreement.
Also, allowing people to accuse citizens of sins is necessary in creating a republic, but calumnies are harmful.

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