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Übersetzungen für clashes im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für clashes

My interest clashes with his.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

An accidental clash of heads opened up a cut in the eyelid of the Rumanian in the opener.
There was also a culture clash.
Their task was to harass the enemy phalanx before the clash, to try to provoke disorder and protect their own lines from enemy skirmishers.
They will point to the difficulty many immigrants have getting their credentials recognized, and the social disruption that can spring from culture clash.
Much of the humor derives from their culture clash with the rest of the world.
Her get-up is weird and illogical for the milieu in which she lives and her farcical mannerisms clash with the ugly realism of the theme.
In this clash, it was reported that 2 police officers apparently sustained injuries in this militant attack.
The third element was a wry commentary on the multi-tracked, cascading lead guitars that clash as the song fades out.
Bloom chooses sides in the culture clash.
Clash acknowledged that he had been in a relationship with the accuser; however, he characterized the relationship as being between consenting adults.

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