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Übersetzungen für cluck im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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cluck [klʌk] VERB intr SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many social animals produce seemingly haphazard and indistinctive sounds (like chicken cluck) when they are going about their everyday business (foraging, feeding).
And we couldn't be more thrilled that the actress clucked around like a chicken.
It uses clucking sounds to maintain auditory contact with other members of its group.
He replaced the lyrics with chicken clucking, and used a variety of background musical arrangements.
They make a tok or whuck call, similar to a hen clucking, during all months of the year (particularly spring-autumn).
Its call has been compared to the clucks of a chicken, with clucks of chuk-chuk-chuk or choop-choop-choop being made at a constant rate of eight notes every five seconds.
The instrumentation consisted of clucking banjos alongside new wave electric guitars.
The echoey guitars cluck and chatter as keyboards join in.
When alarmed, they make squeaking sounds or a deep series of clucks.
To signal friendly or submissive behavior, alpacas cluck, or click a sound possibly generated by suction on the soft palate, or possibly in the nasal cavity.

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