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Übersetzungen für combustion im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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combustion [kəmˈbʌstʃən] SUBST

▶ combustive [kəmˈbʌstıv] ADJ

internal-combustion engine SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Many of these technologies have the potential to produce more electric power from the same amount of fuel than would be possible by direct combustion.
A turbopump was used to inject fuel and oxygen into the combustion chamber.
The air contained high concentrations of sulfur dioxide because the energy production was largely based on combustion of fuel high in sulfur.
This high flame temperature is also the result of the absence of hydrogen, and, therefore, water, as a combustion product.
The smoke from the flaming stage of a fire is typically made up of microscopic combustion particles between 0.01 and 0.3 m.
The moving grate enables the movement of waste through the combustion chamber to be optimised to allow a more efficient and complete combustion.
The exhaust (smoke) from the stove is usually several metres above the combustion chamber.
At this lab, massive internal combustion generators are investigated and made more efficient.
By 1912 they had developed a new internal combustion engine that ran on vaporising oil and was fired by a spark.
Fuel economy is also better in four-strokes due to more complete combustion of the intake charge in four-stroke engines.

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