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Übersetzungen für comma im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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comma [ˈkɒmə] SUBST


inverted comma SUBST mainly Brit

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

For instance, a commonly used version of 5-limit tuning produces a 12-tone scale with four kinds of semitones and four commas.
C has some features, such as line-number preprocessor directives and optional superfluous commas at the end of initializer lists, which support compilation of generated code.
The title is uncapitalized, and the story is composed of only eighty-seven words, divided into ten lines, and has no punctuation except for three commas.
Shorthand list notation was described, though it originally separated list elements by commas rather than whitespace.
It is entered by the user starting with a square bracket, then the element values separated by commas.
Punctuation includes a comma, period, colon, quotation marks, as well as several decorative marks indicating poetic chapter and denoting rank in correspondence.
All names can be subscripted (the name followed by parentheses, with multiple subscripts separated by commas).
The separator can be set to the other values besides comma.
If there are multiple alternative names for a condition, they are separated by commas within the parenthetical.
A derivative of the cuatrillo by adding a comma diacritic, was used for the alveolar ejective affricate found in the same languages.

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