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Übersetzungen für commodities im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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commodity [kəˈmɒdıtı] SUBST

Beispielsätze für commodities

petty commodities
daily commodities
export commodities fair

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As a result of arbitrage, the currency exchange rates, the price of commodities, and the price of securities in different markets tend to converge.
A contemporary social approach proposes that kleptomania is an outcome of consumerism and the large quantity of commodities in society.
Other fungible commodities include sweet crude oil, company shares, bonds, precious metals, and currencies.
Trade in predominantly primary commodities can provide no future of any country.
The common commodities were muslin, black pepper, cardamom, cassier and coarse blue cotton cloth.
He said government would focus on diversifying the country's export base from primary commodities towards value addition that were less vulnerable to international price volatilities.
That in turn increases demand for goods and services nationally as regions that produce capital equipment or primary commodities get a boost.
In addition, it eliminated the price control system with the exception of 42 commodities (208).
Through agro-processing, agricultural commodities can be transformed into higher-value products which can then be branded and marketed at higher prices for increased revenues.
Primary commodities include plastic resins, gas turbines, wind turbines, food products, forest products, and chemicals with the railroad accumulating about 5,500 annual carloads in 2008.

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