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Übersetzungen für conformity im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Meintest du vielleicht: deformity , enormity und uniformity

deformity [dıˈfɔːmətı] SUBST

uniformity [ˌjuːnıˈfɔːmıtı] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The successful man must combine an exterior grace with a necessary social conformity.
In less developed countries individuals often depend on social networks that impose conformity to in-group norms and beliefs, and loyalty to group leaders.
Cultures low on individualism (i.e., collectivist cultures), in contrast, value conformity to ingroups and group memberships.
They are the great destroyers of the forces of philosophy and the state, which band together in the name of order and conformity.
Only ordinances and precautionary laws which are of human origin may be abrogated in conformity with the circumstances of the time.
To encourage reformation, certain adjunct theocratic committees may have attempted to ensure order and conformity by censuring local troublemakers.
When she rails against her kitchen duties, she's a '30s star railing potently against '50s conformity.
It must be remembered, however, that sometimes a moral economy may not act in conformity to morality as it is now generally understood.

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