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Übersetzungen für confronted im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Beispielsätze für confronted

I am confronted with many difficulties.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

As he opens an oven and takes out a roast turkey, a slightly irritated farmer confronts him.
He confronts her at the prom and has a dance with her on his last night before leaving.
The 1st placed confronts the 8th, 2nd against the 7th, the 3rd against 6th and 4th against 5th.
What every traveler confronts sooner or later is that the way we spend each day of our travel... is the way we spend our lives.
Younger children under the age of 12 can be stopped when they offend, with the main aim at confronting the onset of delinquency.
When he confronts her about them, she insists that they are nothing more to her than souvenirs.
There is a huge risk for officers confronting a man seated in his vehicle on a routine traffic stop.
He is eventually brutally confronted with his past...
She confronts him, revealing that she is his daughter but leaves before he responds.

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