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Übersetzungen für convulsed im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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convulse [kənˈvʌls] VERB trans

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Although his windpipe was torn and obstructed by his destroyed larynx, the condemned man continued with rasping breaths and convulsed on the rope.
The final interview is of an old woman who shakes and sometimes convulses on camera while going in and out of speaking in tongues.
Her body starts convulsing wildly as her clothes fall off.
Simultaneously, the earth we embraced so dependently convulsed in violent paroxysm.
The different styles of prayer include standing still, lying on the floor, and convulsing seemingly uncontrollably.
Idol eventually rejects the fantasy, which is consumed in flames as, in the real world, his body violently convulses.
The camera pans to the floor, where one clean-cut teenage boy is gasping, sweating, and convulsing, with his eyes rolled back into his head.
They would have fits in which their bodies would appear to involuntarily convulse, their eyes rolling into the back of their heads and their mouths hanging open.
Five of the subjects convulsed, and the others recovered when returned to normal pressure following the appearance of acute symptoms.
His body convulses, and he transforms into a hunched, twisted figure.

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