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Übersetzungen für copybook im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

A page of a copy book typically starts with a copybook heading: a printed example of what should be copied, such as a single letter or a short proverb.
Some copybooks are hand drawn, these types are rare.
Despite the constraints of space, different campuses spread at different places, universal admission policy, admission round the year, the school has been functioning exceedingly well almost in copybook fashions.
He blotted his copybook at his last run and can be a bit of an enigma.
Some of the setting's fictional elements (such as the copybooks) have been mistaken by readers for real things they haven't heard about before.
For every technical perfectionist, there are many more who defy the copybook.
The illustrations were added by three different painters, all of whom used iconographic copybooks.
In practice, often all data in a segment may map to a COBOL copybook.
I'd be expecting another copybook run here, and he can go very close to winning.
Students busily tore up old newspapers copybooks and magazines into small pieces to fill four large bags with the paper scent.

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