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Übersetzungen für crippled im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . cripple [ˈkrıpl] SUBST

II . cripple [ˈkrıpl] VERB trans

Beispielsätze für crippled

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Some such events could destroy or cripple modern civilization.
Complete or almost complete deprivation could entirely cripple the capacity to make relationships.
Ignorance, ill health, personality disorder--these are disabilities often contracted in childhood: afflictions which linger to cripple the man and damage the next generation.
This measure was meant to cripple the church and allow for its collapse.
Outside the distiller's a fight has broken out, and a crazed cripple raises his crutch to strike his blind compatriot.
He is a cripple who found peace and satisfaction through paintings.
He's a cripple because the only person he can live with is himself.
After sustaining great injuries which left him a cripple and needing the use of several cybernetic prostheses, he eventually reappears to save his daughter.
A shell to the turret, if penetrated, may severely cripple it and disable its rotation.

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