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Übersetzungen für cross-country im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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I . cross-country ADJ ADV

a cross-country race

II . cross-country SUBST


Beispielsätze für cross-country

a cross-country race

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There are also several extra-curricular teams for students to join, such as hockey, soccer, swimming, frisbee, basketball, cross-country, and track and field.
Other requirements of the test included performing five figure-eight turns between two designated points and completing a 175-mile cross-country trip.
In addition to long-distance running, his recreational interests include hiking, cross-country skiing, and rock climbing.
In the cross-country race, a 15-point lead in the ski jump equals a one-minute head start.
Athletic programs are offered in baseball, men's and women's basketball, cross-country, football, golf, softball, track and field, wrestling, and volleyball.
On a cross-country journey between games the team stagecoach floundered in a swollen river and the squad waded ashore only to be stranded for two days in a roadman's hut.
With this technique, it is also possible to perfectly exert cross-country skating technique without a classic cross-country ski binding.
Women's teams include basketball, cross-country, golf, lacrosse (beginning 2014-15), sand volleyball, soccer, softball, tennis, track and field, and volleyball.
And then the winter comes again and every hill is a toboggan run, the cross-country ski trails are set, and the pavilion is serving up hot chocolate.
The trails are open to cross-country skiing in the winter, but closed to vehicles.

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