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Übersetzungen für daunted im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

There is no reason why he should be daunted by the task.
Though he felt the game objectives were challenging, and may require several play-throughs to master, he also felt the controls were simple enough that newcomers would not be daunted.
Dally, not to be daunted, kicked a good goal.
Do not be daunted by the removal of your leaders.
He was not daunted by the pace of his schedule.
The general poor finances of his family daunted his hopes of playing in the school band at the time, so that he never properly learned to play music.
I was at first daunted by the prospect of animating mechanical vehicles by hand that would hold up beside their computer-generated versions.
Their success continued to daunt operatic composers well into the 18th century.
Its merely above-average performance and mediocre handling proved no daunt: the marketplace had spoken.
Her early style, in particular, used obscure polysyllables, formal syntax and lush imagery which divided critics and daunted many readers.

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