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Übersetzungen für decentralize im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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decentralize, decentralise [ˌdı­ˈsent­rəlaız] VERB trans

▶ decentralization, decentralisa­tion [diːˌsentrəlaıˈzeıʃən] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The local government of the city was decentralized in 1991 between five municipal "communes" headed by a mayor.
The system also has been decentralized by making municipalities responsible for their own health-care facilities, and by 2005 most primary care came from private physicians.
The new constitution also aims to decentralize authority, dividing the vast nation into 25 semi-autonomous provinces, drawn along ethnic and cultural lines.
Brown publicly supports a decentralized form of municipal government, and recently unveiled plans to decentralize the city government, and bring city services closer to neighborhoods.
Beginning in the mid-1980s, the advent of the personal computer and fax machine, plus breakthroughs in telecommunications, created opportunities for office workers to decentralize.
The focus of his campaign was decentralizing the city's government and bringing together its racially polarized population.
Secondly, how much one should decentralize or delegate or debureaucratize or democratize in order to achieve the goals?
Efforts were also made to decentralize planning and improve the managerial skills of government officials.
The new amendments aimed to decentralize the country by granting greater autonomy to republics and provinces.
In an effort to decentralize administration, the constitution calls for the six provinces (faritany) to become autonomous.

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