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Übersetzungen für demon's im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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demon [ˈdiːmən] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

The individuals who were known to rid of demons were either priests or herb doctors.
They let all of the demons inside the jail and keep them there.
During these visions, he is a skilled warrior of magic, free of his limp, fighting valiantly to free slaves and thwart the demons.
Unlike true demons, these beings can not be summoned through sorcery.
In the inn, the first day ends when a mercenary possessed by a demon attacks the patrons.
He takes it to a showdown at his work plant, but there the dog turns into a demon and begins to wreak havoc.
As the realm associated with the dead, "ukhu pacha" is inhabited by the "supay", a group of demons that would torment the living.
This album talks about them, about their sorrow, mistakes and inner demons.
The more excited the demons get, the louder they yell.
As they continued searching, their surroundings started to change subtly and become infested by what appeared to be monsters and demons.

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