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Übersetzungen für dishwashing detergent im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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dishwashing detergent [ˈdıʃˌwɒʃıŋ ...] SUBST

dishwashing detergent → dish detergent

Siehe auch: dish detergent

dish detergent, dishwashing detergent, dishwashing liquid SUBST

dish detergent, dishwashing detergent, dishwashing liquid SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

I always figured they were safer because they eliminated the danger and gooey mess of splashing liquid gel dishwashing detergent, or the aspiration risk of the powdered stuff.
The results suggest using liquid dishwashing detergent, white vinegar, rubbing alcohol, an enzyme pre-soak product, and chlorine bleach or oxygen bleach.
To prove your paperclip isn't really floating at all, dip a toothpick in some dishwashing detergent.
The dishwashing detergent works and does not harm the wool.
A person can choose any dishwashing detergent they like, because the detergent has no choice in the matter, but choosing a partner doesn't work that way.
Aeon said it will look to offer value on mainstay items such as shampoo and dishwashing detergent after sales in the second quarter were little changed at 2.07 trillion yen.
Don't... use household cleaning agents like hand soap, dishwashing detergent, or glass cleaner on the paint.
Placing a solution of water, glycerol and dishwashing detergent in a glass container, the researchers experimented by injecting air to create a layer of bubbles, each two millimetres in diameter.
A reusable glue board may be renewed through the use of vegetable oil, and then removing the oil with dishwashing detergent and a water rinse.
You could try doing so with a damp cloth or using a mild dishwashing detergent.

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