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Übersetzungen für dove im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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dove1 [dʌv] SUBST

1. dove:


dove2 [dəʊv]

II . dive <过去式 dived or dove, 过去分词 dived> [daıv] SUBST

Beispielsätze für dove

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In times of persecution a pearl, symbolizing a teardrop, replaced the dove.
In the original anime, the robot resembles a sleek, futuristic robot dove, while in this series, the robot resembles more of a metal peacock.
Instead of following the market toward high-end devices, both companies dove headfirst toward the low-end, leading the race downmarket.
Worse is watching the hawk at work, plucking and pecking a luckless collared dove or starling in a frenzy of gore and squawking.
Local birds include chachalaca, quail, dove, sparrow, goldfinch, orioles, hawks and eagles.
The diet of the fish is composed of invertebrates, including marine worms, bryozoans, crustaceans, dove snails, limpets, fish larvae, and squid.
White-winged dove and mourning dove are also hunted on private leases.
However, the beetles are carrion specialists in that they need carrion the size of a dove or a chipmunk in order to reproduce.
She taunted her torturers all the while, and as she expired a dove flew out of her mouth.
The cuckoo-dove makes its nest in rock gorges near waterfalls, and their calls are the two-part wok-wu, heard above the sounds of the water.

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