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Übersetzungen für drug rehabilitation center im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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drug rehabilitation center SUBST, drug rehab center

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Thus, he was shown taken into a drug rehabilitation center, and where his contraband was taken away by security officials.
She persuaded him to check into a 28-day program at a drug rehabilitation center.
But this time was different; this time he had shown huge gains in stabilizing his life, having spent months in a drug rehabilitation center.
The new national drug rehabilitation center will be able to hold up to 2,000 people.
Duke was found guilty of drug-dealing, sentenced to five years' probation, and required by the court to open and manage a drug rehabilitation center for that period.
In fact, he said, four of his nephews had turned themselves in to authorities and two of them were sent to a drug rehabilitation center.
We must set up special teams of psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers who will help them return to a normal life, just like in a drug rehabilitation center.
There are dozens of cars inside, and a temporary wooden sign says the camp now operates as a drug rehabilitation center.
The city has plans to convert at least one of the properties into a youth drug rehabilitation center.
I realized only when he broke down and had to be admitted to a drug rehabilitation center.

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