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Übersetzungen für dust cover im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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dust cover SUBST

1. dust cover → dust jacket

2. dust cover → dust sheet

Siehe auch: dust sheet , dust jacket

dust sheet SUBST Brit, dust cover

dust jacket SUBST, dust cover, dust wrapper

dust sheet SUBST Brit, dust cover

dust jacket SUBST, dust cover, dust wrapper

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Most hoses end with a bite valve that opens when the user bites down on it; the valve may be protected by a dust cover.
It used a proprietary grip which attached to the upper portion of the frame (a metal part that comprised the dust cover and frame rails).
The ejection port is normally closed with its own dust cover which opens automatically once the trigger is pressed.
In some cabinets, a thin sheet of plywood is inserted into a groove in the web frame to serve as a dust cover between drawers.
Heavy dust cover is also indicated by the high albedo (reflectivity) and low thermal inertia of the region.
The steel encased tumbler mechanism resists drilling or pulling, while a dust cover twists to keep the locking cylinder clean.
This is now rare, and a mint copy with a dust cover is worth hundreds of pounds.
We're not keen on the stingy 150-sheet paper tray, however, which looks cheap and has no dust cover.
Spent casings are removed through a port located at the bottom of the right side of the receiver, protected from debris with a spring-loaded dust cover.
The tonearms are the same and also the dust cover hinges and most internal wiring are the same.

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