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Übersetzungen für dust sheet im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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dust sheet SUBST Brit, dust cover

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

She expected him to sit on the floor (because all the furniture was covered in dust sheets) and insisted he tore all her rubbish into identically sized pieces.
In some cases it felt as if we were skiing through a prehistoric meteor garden shrouded in dust sheets.
This inspired me to hang lengths of semi-transparent dust sheets over the same pipes in order to create a slightly dreamy, ephemeral atmosphere, which resounds with those watery sound effects.
Rather than just have the whole place covered in dusty dust sheets, they're ornaments, memories of ex-girlfriends.
To clean behind a wardrobe too heavy to move, put a dust sheet over the top at the back and pull it from side to side, working to the bottom.
Or more accurately, a dust sheet.
The $35,000 purchase was hidden in plain sight under a dust sheet in the garage.
I will cover you in a dust sheet.

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