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Übersetzungen für effrontery im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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effrontery [ıˈfrʌntərı] SUBST

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

And they have the effrontery to call your people "worms".
The effrontery of its unalloyed conceit and arrogance -- not to mention the sheer neck of it -- defies belief and logic.
For his effrontery, he is merged with a demon.
Then they have the effrontery to blame the on-field microphones and cameras for peeping.
However, one of them has the effrontery to die.
We must stand up to them, take up our responsibility and make sure their effrontery and bravado is reduced to the barest minimum.
However, as androids, individuals contain defects: they think, dance, and dreamthings that are very dangerous to the first world bosses... to think will always be considered an effrontery.
It's very painful and yet the state government has the effrontery to utilise funds in other areas that are not productive like buying cars.
And here's a great little nugget of effrontery: the complaint site says that it assumes that the writers of complaints have positive intents.
What happened next is a breathtaking piece of effrontery.

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