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Übersetzungen für ego im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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ego <egos> [ˈiːgəʊ] SUBST

alter ego <alter egos> [ˌæltərˈegəʊ] SUBST (lat.)

1. alter ego:

alter ego

2. alter ego:

alter ego
alter ego

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

He wasn't sensitive to stepping on other people's egos or feelings.
Even if the child successfully imitates his model, however, the ego ideal will interpret this success as failure.
Generally the ego is the central cause of all mental conflict.
A small ego state are the behaviours one experiences in a simple action, such as using a mobile phone.
He has an ego that often makes him forget something obvious, such as how his face is obscured in advertisements for the company.
He has an ego that often makes him forget something obvious, such as his face being obscured in company advertisements.
This mind that we identify as the self, which we could call ego-mind, controls everything we do.
The film's major flaw lies in its lack of real explanation of what, beyond ego, really motivates him.
All the natural elements including sky, fire, water, air and land are created along with mind, intelligence and false ego.
Despite his ego, he has a strict sense of justice.

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