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Übersetzungen für elephant im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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elephant [ˈelıfənt] SUBST ZOOL



see the elephant sl Am

white elephant SUBST

1. white elephant:

white elephant

2. white elephant:

white elephant

Beispielsätze für elephant

see the elephant sl Am

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

In many battles of the period it was the practice for leaders to fight each other personally on elephants.
Earlier in the episode she said she had a memory like an elephant that's lost its memory.
Shields were four feet tall and two feet wide and made of elephant or ox hide.
Elephants damage the properties of the villagers and fatal attacks on them have reported from the park.
Outside the gate of the enclosure were the elephants and horses with their establishments on one side.
The object of mounting the general or commander on an elephant was that he might be seen from a distance by all the troops.
In 1936, the zoo began to grow from a small animal park with its first (loaned) elephant.
One such example was an elephant with two birds standing on its back.
His ship was transporting about twenty bags of gold and 6,500 elephant teeth.
During the early days the settlers lived in tree houses to escape from large number of elephants present in the area.

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