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Übersetzungen für emotional quotient im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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emotional quotient SUBST

Beispielsätze für emotional quotient

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Breastfeeding is important to develop immunity in children and to improve their emotional quotient.
Whatever the mythological episode that formed the theme for delineation in gestural vocabulary, its various aspects of emotional quotient found remarkable expression in wide range of sanchari bhavas.
A stirring account with brilliant moments, bravura performances, strong emotional quotient and addictive music, this one's an absolute must watch for the romantics.
This makes the film seem like an unending collage of dance sequences, sans the emotional quotient.
A highly relatable concept that was picked up for its emotional quotient.
However, it didn't let up on the emotional quotient.
The performance in its musical aspect was praised for its emotional quotient.
There's also a particular balance to be struck when it comes to blending brand names and all the emotional quotient that comes with them.
The film is high on the emotional quotient.
He teaches you the practicality of the world also keeping intact your emotional quotient.

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