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Übersetzungen für endowed im Englisch » Chinesisch-Wörterbuch

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endow [ınˈdaʊ] VERB trans

2. endow [常用被动态]:

Man is endowed with reason.

Beispielsätze für endowed

Man is endowed with reason.

Einsprachige Beispiele (nicht von der PONS Redaktion geprüft)

Religious pluralism can be defined as respecting the otherness of others and accepting the given uniqueness endowed to each one of us.
Still warmed by the winner sunlight, the writer applies for a first-class seat on the gravy train -- a well-endowed literary fellowship.
His universal fame as a saint spread immediately and grew steadily: he was considered a saint endowed with heroic virtues.
His material is his musical instrument, a living thing, a mysterious entity endowed with vital laws of its own, sneering at formulas, fearfully alive.
The area is endowed with rich forests, industries and landscape.
The library is endowed with the necessary features for operating as a videoconference room.
The human tissue endowed with the most regenerative potential is bone marrow.
Endowed with broad shoulders and a big voice.
He was endowed with the qualitiesdevotion to friends and duty, patriotism, and unswerving integritywhich made him the ideal sounding board and factotum among the prominent politicians of his day.
I think that one reason why nature has endowed dogs with such soft, doughy paws is that they're excellent chin-pillows.

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